- No loud noise, no music allowed. (Only allowed if you book out the whole farm).
- No drones please.
- No vandalism will be tolerated- breaking of trees; branches or anything on the farm is not allowed.
- No quad bikes.
- No fishing allowed.
- Toddlers (2 yrs and younger), free of charge.
- You are welcome to make use of our staff, to clean your dishes, at an additional fee at own discretion, payable directly to the staff member.
- Although we are pet friendly (on a leash, until calm), we do not allow any aggressive dogs, or bigger than a Labrador.
- No dogs/pets are allowed in our Ablutions or at the Pool area.
Cancellation Policy:
We regret, no refunds.
Terms and conditions:
Guests, their visitors, employees, pets or any other person entering these premises do it on their own risk.
Neither the Owners nor their Representatives or Agents are liable for loss or damage to any guest, visitor, employee, pets or any other person’s property, nor for injury or death whether such loss or damage to property or injury or death is as a result of the negligence of the Owners and or their Representatives or Agents or not.
We accept Cash and have CARD FACILITIES on the farm.
**We have septic tanks. No foreign objects to be flushed down the toilets. Please use the bins provided.**